Sunday, December 9, 2018

Standing Up For Safer Spaces :: Inappropriate Behavior in Tango

Tumblr blog I ran across in searching for information on developing a safe space policy for tango communities...

Obviously not tango-community specific...but other social dances...

This one strikes a chord:

“I support standing up for safer dance spaces because I have seen people bullied and ostracized by abusers who had more social clout in the community.”

First Post
From arguing when someone says “no” to a dance, to touching someone without their consent, we believe every incident that makes someone uncomfortable deserves to be addressed. We believe that (cis-)sexism, harassment, abuse, and assault are not just an individual problem but a community issue. Many of us have quit attending events or being in spaces that have failed to hear our concerns. We have come together to share our stories with the hope that our communities, including event organizers, will take serious measures to reform the status quo.

We suggest a variety of strategies including:
-listening to and believing survivors
-publicizing and implementing clear and rigorous codes of conduct
-reaching out to people who have expressed concerns
-re-evaluating whether current leadership is adequate or appropriate for addressing safety problems
-establishing a well-trained designated and visible event safety team
-continuing to work to create safer spaces for everyone

Stay tuned for the photos from our first Standing Up For Safer Spaces event!

or the archive

facebook page

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