Saturday, May 4, 2024

‘can you say what it is about tango music that got you/keeps you hooked?’

#tangoquotes #tango_quotes

"But tango music spoke to me somehow. The layers, the call-and-response structure, the variations on parts, the rich orchestral jazz of it all.

Oh, I know that other music has these elements in varying degrees. Freedom within structure! Maybe that's the key ingredient I feel with Argentine tango music. The music doesn't seem to dictate repeating patterns of dance interpretation. It allows for many interpretations. It even changes its mind over the course of a song. It has a depth of feeling that can provoke a profound kind of joy when, even with a sad song, the dancers make an intimate connection with each other and with the music."

~David Phillips on 'can you say what it is about tango music that got you/keeps you hooked?'

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