Sunday, May 31, 2009

Iron & Wine :: Resurrection Fern

Sugarpiehoneybunch turned me on to this song on the way home from Sängerrunde Hall (two step, swing and me and two followers dancing a few tangos and milongas) last night, dodging deer and dillo's on the dark road back to the ranch.

Apparently, Iron & Wine is based just around the corner in Driftwood. There's some amazing musical/artistic talent out here in the Hill Country, not to mention Austin, the 'Live Music Capital of the World'.

Amazing, world class musicians, who choose not to be on the world stage - well except that this band appears to be fairly 'big' in the music scene. Most of these folks are content to simply make music on the riverbank, or wherever, never seeking 'fame and fortune' in the suckass music industry. You will never hear, or hear of, the vast majority of these folks, and will be blown away by the beauty of their talent and creativity.

I'm lucky to have experienced this in my life. I'm blessed to have one of these very unique and beautiful and talented people in my life. I spoon her each night, holding her tight in my sleepy embrace and wake to her smiling face every day. Blessed is the word of a speechless man.

The song is available on iTunes if you want to download it.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Brinton said...

As a wise young milonguera says to me, the good dancers in BA have no names. There are no videos, and no stages. The same is true nowdays in art, poetry, and music. As Kim says, we are getting back to the village. But gosh, your village is so far from ours...
Thanks for the music, and for making my heart melt with your sweet words about your sweetie.