Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tango Statics, Strengths, Structural Dynamics and Moments of Intertia

Tango Statics, Strengths, Structural Dynamics and Moments of Intertia

If the man's right hand is located on the woman's left shoulder blade (aka angel wing) a structural deficiency may exist within the psycho-motor-cerebro-cortical-hormonal-pheromonal-energetic-structo-dynamic-cognito-emotive-electro-chemical-synaptic-meta-physical-historical-musico-melodo-rhythmic-primordial-soup-tango-embrace system, resulting in less than optimally balanced dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin systems, interactions, and inter-relationships, and may induce or result in a less than a maximally pleasurable tango experience.

That is all.

Have a good 'un.

1 comment:

Matthew J Brockwell said...


thank you for clarifying.