Monday, May 28, 2018

cortometraggio-milonga-di-marco-calvise tango short film otra vez

Uploaded by carcasstube on Feb 13, 2012
*Capalbio Cinema International 2011 -- Capalbio(GR)
"Best Director Award"

*Settimo Senso 2011 -- Festival del cinema di Scafa -- Scafa(PE)
"Premio come miglior Corto"

*III Movieclub Film Festival 2011 -- Palestrina(RM)
"Premio come miglior regia"

*Fiati Corti 12 -- Istrana(TV)
"Premio miglior interprete"

*5° Festival Internazionale del Cinema dell'Aquila - L'Aquila
"Miglior Cortometraggio"(cat.Abruzzo)

*6° Festival Cinematografico Cinema & Ciociaria premio "Nino Manfredi" - Frosinone(FR)
"2° Classificato miglior cortometraggio"

Festival di cinema.
Selezione ufficiale:
*TFF - Torino Film Festival 2010 -- Torino
*Bif&st -- Bari International Film & Tv Festival 2011 - Bari
*Cortinametraggio 2011 -- Cortina d'Ampezzo(BL)(fuori concorso)
*A Corto D'Idee 2011 -- Ravello(SA)
*Figari Film Fest 2011 -- Golfo Aranci(OT)
*Trani Film Festival 2011 - Trani(BA)(fuori concorso)
*XIII VideoLab Film Festival 2011 -- Vittoria(RG)
*Premio cinematografico Palena 2011 -- Palena(CH)

Festival Di Tango:
*I Montalbano Tango Festival 2011 - Montalbano Elicona(ME)
*I Bari International Tango Congress -- Bari
*IX Tano Tango Festival -- Napoli
*VI Choco Tango Festival - Perugia

Short film about TANGO - Zlota Milonga Warszawa

Krótki film o Tangu, czyli czym jest, jak wygląda i jakie emocje wywołuje.
Short film about Tango - what is it, how it looks, and what emotions it gives.

Bardzo dziękuje wszystkim którzy wzieli udział i pomogli przy realizacji projektu
Thanks to all those, who helped us making it happen.

Aktorzy i statyści :
Tancerze - Jakub Milonga, Magda Bochinska
Piotr Dobrowolski,
Margaritha Gryczko,
Hubert Prekurat,
Kasia Zubrzycka,
Szymon Ferfecki,
Ryszard Baryliński,
Renata Pawelec,
Aleksandra Stępniak,
Mateusz Szechiński,
Marcin Stępniak,
Klaudia Kroczewska,
Iza Wiśniewska,
Hubert Zdrojewski
Agnieszka Kurek Johnson
Patrycja Purgał

Ekipa realizacyjna :

Reżyser - Alek Pietrzak
Operator - Mateusz Pastewka
Operatorzy kamer - Łukasz Suchocki, Bartosz Białobrzeski, Tomasz Pyrak
Steadicam - Adam Mendry
Gafer, Jazda - Roman Statsenka
Fotosy - Jan Goliński

Zdjęcia zrealizowane na terenie szkoly tanca ZŁOTA MILONGA !

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Tango Floorcraft Graphics Handouts Flyers PDF JPEG

This has been floating around in various edits/iterations for some time now. Original Concept/Design Credit goes to Dirk Apitz. Edits by AlexTangoFuego May 2018. Honoring the Line of Dance (long version, 2 pages) editing credit goes to Sugar G.

The impeccable floorcraft/Uncle Sam QR code link is here. Daniel Boardman - Albuquerque Tango Festival.

Figure out how to reach me and I'll send you the original high-res files so you can print, share, save, etc.

Discussion/comments/suggest edits/disagreement encouraged in the comments section.

Tango Floorcraft graphic pdf jpeg handout flyer
Tango Navigation
Tango Codigos
Tango Etiquette

#TangoFloorcraft graphic pdf jpeg handout flyer
#Tango Navigation
#Tango Codigos

Monday, May 14, 2018

The Queer Tango Project

Christiane Palha & Maria Filali - Photographer Unknown

Adding a new link in the sidebar...

The Queer Tango Project
The Queer Tango Project supports the Queer Tango community around the world in developing critical ideas, stimulating debate and resources about how and why Queer Tango is danced.

The Queer Tango Image Archive
The Queer Tango Image Archive is a digital collection of historical, pre-1995, images relating to the themes and issues touched on by Queer Tango.
The Queer Tango Image Archive is supported by The Queer Tango Project.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Short Film "9 Tango" by Pablo Repun

Idea: Pablo Repun
Screenplay: Adrián Batista - Pablo Repun
Director: Fernanda Caride
Production: Pablo Repun
I have the pleasure of inviting you to the premiere of my first audiovisual production, a short film produced in collaboration with Handbag Films And Art.
It’s a love story that takes place in Naples, FL. With the mystique and the unmistakable flavor of Argentine tango.
It was a work done with a lot of effort designed for the public of this city, which is why we believe it should be seen.
We hope you can join us in its premiere, where we will wait for you with a glass of wine!
Etudes de Ballet 3285 Pine Ridge Rd Naples, FL 34109

Some things I have learned from leading socially - From MsHedgeHog

Some things I have learned from leading socially Dec 23, 2017
A few things I have learned about dancing, by regularly dancing both roles socially for two or three years. My experiences may or may not be in common with anyone else.

There is a tremendous range between OK, good, and great followers, of which they are almost all totally unaware.

Leading poor followers is very difficult; it requires a range of skills, resilience, and physical training.

Leading OK followers is fun, especially if they are interested or enthusiastic and easy to be with.

Leading good followers is more fun, especially if, etc.

Leading great followers is amazing, and you don't feel like you have to do anything, and whatever you do do is totally effortless.

There are a lot more than those categories.

Don't bother raiding the cool guys' “harems”, they're disappointing, dance-wise.

In a good ronda, under good physical conditions, with good followers, leading is cognitively much less demanding than following. The difference is dramatic. Getting the basics to a good standard is quite a lot of work, but if you can do that and then stay within what you've mastered, good and great followers will dance with you, and it is effortless.

It is possible to flirt with the table of glamorous Dutch lesbians through the medium of another woman's body.

There exist men who are both hot and good followers. Hang on a minute –

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Tango in advertising

Well, tango-esque at least...

Tango Codigos/Etiquette

How do you select a photograph that is illustrative of codigos/etiquette? You don't. So there's this. Sugar G's toes in some fake grass. Blurry.

I'm not going to reinvent the wheel here. Mark Word over at Tango Therapist has done a wonderful and comprehensive job of compiling pretty much everything you ever need/want to know about the subject of tango codigos and etiquette. Or codigos aka etiquette. Or codigos/etiquette. Or just fucking "Codigos". Not "fucking" codigos, that's a different subject.

There are a ton of other websites and information out there. Google.

Avail thyself.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Abrazos Imborrables Tango Documentary

Abrazos Imborrables trailer (official) - English version from Soluble Films on Vimeo.

The tango film 'Abrazos Imborrables' will be premiering this Sunday May 6 at 12pm at the Cine Las Americas International Film Festival in Austin (at the Mexican American Cultural Center at 600 Red River St) with director Pablo Hadis in attendance...FREE and OPEN to the public!

Abrazos Imborrables - directed by Pablo Hadis
(Unforgettable Hugs)

A research into the causes of the resurgence of tango in Argentina and its adoption around the world. Contemporary tango legends, including those responsible for the comeback of tango, share their insights and first hand accounts on why tango has returned with such strength to the world stage, in this documentary produced with the collaboration of the Buenos Aires tango scene.

After decades of staying hidden from public view, tango makes a surprise return, spreading to the four corners of the world. Why are so many countries being filled with milongas? Why is youth returning to tango? Why is, in essence, a cultural expression from the late 1800s returning with such strength in the year 2000? What basic needs is it fulfilling, and what does this say about our current global society?

More info about the film:


Official Facebook Page: