Monday, September 24, 2007

Good milonga....really good milonga...

Geraldine Rojas & Javier Rodriquez dancing a milonga to Rodolfo Biagi's "Flor de Monserrat". They dance it beautifully, with amazing leading and amazing following, and incredibly fast embellishments. I believe they just might be the most beautifully skilled milonga dancers around right now...except they are no longer dance partners.

Sometimes, usually while driving, I play "Flor de Monserrat" over and over again - to the point that it becomes burned into my gray matter - playing over and over again for days. You might think that would be aggravating, but I actually like it - I know - sick. But it's such beautiful song and I love to dance to it. I am actually a better lead when it comes to milonga. If I could take my milonga lead and apply it to my tango lead - I would make a one year jump in my tango evolution....oh well...c'est la vie....vida mia...and that, my friends will have to be the subject of another post...

I hope you enjoy this video as much as I do...

1 comment:

tangobaby said...


This is really beautiful. I've watched it several times now and it's like watching a dream.

I'm hooked on Desde El Alma, not a milonga, I know. But I can listen to that song over and over again and it only makes me want to dance even more.