Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How not to be eaten by a mountain lion...

Here's an article about a dude who got himself "et" by a mountain lion...false teeth on the counter and water still running in the sink...http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25354688/

If you see a mountain lion, you are probably about to be eaten...they stalk and hide so you never really see them until it's too late...

If the hair on the back of your neck stands up...this is a primordial instinct from caveman/sabertooth tiger days...trust it...you are about to be eaten...

Do not run under any circumstances...this is what prey does...this will confirm to the beast that you are prey...you will be eaten if you run...

Stand your ground...wave your hands at your sides and over your head to make yourself appear larger...yell loudly...or scream like a small child...

Look for sticks or large branches or rocks to use as weapons...throw the rocks and sticks...use a large branch like a baseball bat...grasp larger rocks with both hands and use it in a "bashing" fashion...preferably right between the eyes of the beast...

If there are no branches laying around, your adrenaline rush will allow you to rip and rend live trees from the ground...and you will probably scare the shit out of the beast in the process....best to do this while yelling or screaming like a small child for maximum effect...

If there are no rocks or branches in your immediate proximity, shove your fist down the beast's throat and/or try to grab its tongue with all your might and pull the tongue out of it's head...an 86 year old ex-marine actually survived an attack and killed the damn thing by pulling its tongue out of it's head...onetoughsonofabitch...

In general, fight for your life...most documented cases of people fending off attacks are when they fight back viciously...

P.S. This is likely to be one of the unforeseen side effects of the current mortgage crisis...more people in foreclosure...more people homeless...living in an RV...or a "VAN, down by the river"...thereby exposing themselves to attacks by mountain lions...I wonder what Darwin would think...

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