Sunday, December 2, 2007

Tango:: Musicality Nailed - SEE ALL THREE POSTS! TWO MORE BELOW!

Getting the brain going here...another thought is that it (a leader's interpretation of musicality) is also dependent on the dancing level of the follower. Some followers I dance with can't get my traspie ochos - even more can't get the superfast traspie ochos (in milonga) that I do - so I have to dial it all in and be more musical in less complex ways.

And lastly, without making another, separate post - no discussion of musicality can be had without mention of Murat & Michelle Erdemsel. Here is a video of them "nailing" "musicality" my humble opinion...

I need some tango bad after all of this...I need it bad...

Per Debbi's are Murat & Michelle again...dancing to "Re Fa Si" con Orquestra Ben Bogart y los Gatos Azules...

1 comment:

Debbi said...

I adore Murat and Michelle, I call them my "tango crush". :-) That is one of my favorite videos of them, another favorite is when they came and taught here in Boston, Sorin took the video of them dancing to Re Fa Si, and once they finished dancing, Sorin turned to me and said "I can never dance to that song, he danced it perfectly. There is nothing else that can be done to it." :-)