Friday, August 1, 2008

Flor de monserrat :: revisited :: Adrian & Amanda Costa

I've posted this one before...but I ran across it again over at Clint's blog Hybrid Tango...

My goal is to be able to dance milonga like this...toned down to the social level...but that damn traspie side step...that one is a killer to lead...I still can't get it...

Note how liso they are...muy liso...


tangopuppet said...

awesome find ... thanks Alex!

tangopuppet said...

awesome find ... thanks Alex!

msHedgehog said...

The follower has a huge role in making those little sidesteps work.

Malevito said...

Hi Alex, how are you?

I concur with mshedgehog--a lot of it depends on the follower. It really helps if you are with someone who either knows your dance well, knows the movement, or has a strong connection and confidence in her intuition.

I've found that with milonga in particular it's often best not to overthink technique. It sounds like you are struggling with this element and I'm guessing that you're conceptualizing it as difficult, which makes your body respond in a way that actually makes it more difficult than it is.

What works for me is to just relax and do it with conviction. Most of it just has to do with keeping the energy constant. Any kind of hesitation will kill it.

Also, remember that it makes it *much* easier to step quickly if you are off of the heels.

Hope this helps :)

msHedgehog said...

Yes - she has to have what I think of as 'high resolution'. It takes work from her side, and practice under good conditions, and it's something we don't get many opportunities to work on. It's one of those things I can deliver some of the time - feels great when it works.