Sunday, February 24, 2008

Alex's Deep Tango Thoughts

Side step left...but weight on both feet equally...then a subtle weight shift back (this part is not real clear - kind of a hippy/swishy feeling)...then forward left cross...(she steps forward with her left like a front ocho)...when she transfers her weight to the left foot...a quick torsional pivot by the leader...her right foot pendulums around in an arc and hooks (ankle to ankle) the leader's left...keep the ankle to ankle contact, the leader then crosses her right over her left (in front)...(right over left cross)...shift her weight to the other foot...volcada...and then walk out...

It came to me in a dream last night...

Got it?

The whole thing prior to cross and the volcada is a milonguero-ish downleading twisty torsional thing...a counter clockwise torsion in the lead's upper body...

1 comment:

msHedgehog said...

Makes sense to me. Nice, too.