Sunday, February 10, 2008

Tango :: What tango represents to me...

A while back on Tango-L (to which I un-subscribed a couple of months ago) there was a thread about videos of dancers/performers that represent how you feel about tango - or that illustrate the dance that is tango - to you. Dagnabbit...sometimes I have a hard time expressing a simple friggin' thought...

So, besides Gustavo y Giselle Anne who(m?) I idolize, the video below represents where I want to go with my tango - the stylistic direction in which I want to go. A cross, a collision between Gustavo's style y Zotto's style as leaders.

Este video es Osvaldo Zotto y Lorena Ermocida, bailando en La Confitería Ideal, a Carlos DiSarli's "Indio Manso" [1958]. My apologies for the's clipped at the beginning and the end, which is unfortunate...but it's not my video...


Anonymous said...

Hey Alex, I really hope you get a lot of comments on this one because I am always fascinated by what other people consider the epitome of tango.

I wrote a similar post a while ago, and was delighted to discover that many others share my views about what is their absolute favorite tango video. Except for the fact that I prefer closer embrace, this is perfection for me.

La Nuit Blanche said...

alex... thanks to you, i just spent an hour in front of my computer, watching this clip over and over and over again, hehe...

thanks for the great find!


AlexTangoFuego said...

Hola Nuit...

I'm glad I could distract you...