Sunday, February 10, 2008

Tango? :: How I amuse myself...Tango Quotes

Don't worry, nothing inappropriate about being bored and all alone, but I do tend to amuse myself with my own (twisted?) (complex?) (abstract?) thoughts and words...

I was just writing an email to a friend...talking about a short-ish woman who dissed me at a milonga...remember my Shot down, strafed, and napalm'd post? was her...

Anyway, I came up with my own little tango "quote"...

"She may be horizontally desireable in life, but she's vertically challenging in tango..."

It's bad, I know, but sometimes I like to be bad - especially in my head where no one knows/sees it.

(Footnote...being dissed/refused by a follower is totally her prerogative...she's got her very valid reasons...but it still hurts a tiny very horizontally desireable she is...)

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